Wednesday 26 January 2011


Final Evaluation
Through out of couple of days, I did secondary and primary research to create a new college magazine, which would appeal to both genders for further education students; aged between 16 and 19.  Firstly I looked at an existing advert and college magazine to find some inspiration. Doing this, I looked at their ideas and did my vision of a front cover and content page. But due to the limited timing, I was unable to meet my target audience’s needs and demands. However I have finally completed my project and I would use this example to evaluate the progress of my personal knowledge and skills. Also I would use the experience to expand my creative ability for my next project.
For my college magazine, I decided to title my font cover, ‘your future’ because it would question my audience’s day to day life and get them to stop and think about their future. So I used sans serif font to connote a modern look and added special features, such as shadowing, to recreate a new design on the original front which makes the layout look realistic.  These effects would me give the opportunity to encourage new customers to buy the college magazine.  Unfortunately I ignored my audience’s request of adding more colours on my front cover and instead I used plain, simple black/white colours to compliment the main photography. I also wanted to create a type of diversion between the fonts so I changed the font size, format, and the style; which showed the importance of certain words. 
For my content page, I used a similar font to create a continuous vibe from the beginning to the end. But due to the lack of information, I have a variety of ideas to produce for my final design. However I able to design a double spread landscape close up photo setting of my college King and added special feature to produce a cloudy effect on the sky. I decide to use that this particular image as a main layer because it reinforces a feeling of welcome and happiness because it helps students to visualise themselves in further education. The light green of the trees connotes newness and change; how the students can grow as a person for their future. The photo contains a new and improved building to show how the college itself changes throughout the year.   Even though, I wanted to create a college magazine that has entertained my target audience, I also wanted....... On the other hand, the overall presentation of the content page has standard look and this can be a downfall my lack of performance because it contains basic features that makes it look plain and simple.

I have created a college magazine called ‘Your future’; I decided to use this title because it challenges my audience and also it can be inspirational for CTK students.  During my progress, I had difficult of selecting the right photo for my front cover because most of the images weren’t medium shot and the angle was birds eye view. So I took single medium close up of a female student, I find the image suitable because she represents my target audience by having positive look. Sadly I was enabling to complete most of my conventions because I had no experience of using Photoshop and also I had limited time to meet the deadline. 
Even though I haven’t completed the needs, I pleased that I have met my respondent s requirements on the style of font. I decided to use bold and simple colours on the front and featured it on my cover lines but I change the sizes and design to see the separation between the main cover line and other features.
Unlikely other magazines, it contains negative views of the young audience and that creates a stereotypical image to the general pulbic. So to involve things, I decided to use a Ctk sudent to help my target audience think positively about their future. However the master head also invnole into the positive message as it....(political view). This shown through the model’s NVC (The non-verbal communication) by the reflecting of their reaction to the college and the facial expression connotes happiness and success. I wanted to make my magazine look original so I decided to use a simple, minimal style; for the costume I have chosen black jacket, blue hoodie and plain black top. I didn’t want the college magazine to look stereotypical because stereotypes can be offensive to the audience for example, if the student in the photo was wearing fashionable clothing, it could undermine the college’s image; readers may think the college is upper class.
 Looking back to my research, the example of a college front cover has shown me the common way of magazine using a studio to produce an artificial background and image shots. So I added a wide angle shot showing a sport gym and expand the image size to suit the model position. But the lighting is a way of separating the two images as the model have key light which shown through the skin tone and the main layer is low key by dull, dark colour of the image. I really like how the backdrop relates to the winter issue of the magazine and the cover line has link to the front cover image.              Example: ‘true story winter disaster’ is a catchy fresa that is titled upon the new flash....... and the cover line shows how the model is revealing her inspiration through the tragic experience that may be an positive action to her future.
My analysis has shown me that most existing college magazine is more educational and has lack of interest of student needs. This evidently shown that the magazine has a good way of persuading secondary leaver parents to attend their college and this is through my primary source, my questionnaire as ....... Also college magazine are targeted to adult as they uses magazine to adverts their college to tell important information and satatics to their college magazine. This shown through the cover line, as it contain formal voloentable  that are presented with bold, simple fronts in a simple layout. So as my primary research, it has shown me that student mostly read gossip magazine, I decide to use catchy and short words on my cover lines to the stories reality base.....
Overall, I am really happy with my presentation of my contents page and my front cover. But if had an opportunity I would change the layout of the contents page because it looks too simple and also the lack of timing to do the work compare to my front cover. I would change the layout structure of the front cover so that it would more realistic and persuasive to my audience. I may change the image of the model because the image doesn’t fit with the background and it is too up close to the reader.

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