Saturday 29 January 2011


I am A-level student that is studying media studies in a sixth from college called Christ Of King. I have previously finished a stage of my project and I did college magazine of front cover and content page. Doing this, I have decided to expand my latest skill and knowledge at my final stage of creating a music magazine. Throughout my progress of the college magazine, I have learnt how research  is important because it would help you break out the ideas easily by knowing the positive and negative and also it can help by collecting their views then transform it through your final piece. So I would use the social network collect information from primary research and this mainly by giving question to people at facebook (   ). Also through the questionnaire, I would be able to do survey presentation of my target audience views on music and magazine. It is useful web because it is non private site that anyone can use to transport information to any issues and also it is the latest research in modern society.....
 In the music magazine, I would have to feature a front cover, content page and double spread.  It requires key information to produce a music magazine. So I decided to analyse existing magazine that has a similar idea and audience to my own magazine. Also it would allow me have detail information on the front cover and double page spread of music magazine.  ....... Although I am working on a new project, I will develop new experience to achieve a double spread of my music magazine. For the moment, I don’t have any kind of knowledge of creating this certain aspect for magazine, but I would do extra recourses to gain me through my progress of final stage. In spite of this, I may use oringal magazine pages to help me know how certain feature can give the possibility of creating attraction. Also I would be taken would be in much detail so I would using a case studying of a Publishing Housing.
 Alternatively, I will move unto the development stage of taking non-manipulated photos for the three feature of my music photo (front cover, content page and double spread). At that point, I would ready though of a particular location/event and main theme of the photo that would translate a story through the various photographs. But at this cirstims, I would unable to feature an celebrity due to the lack of funding.  After choosing the images, I would plan out a prototype of my music magazine and this is by drafting an minimum of five examples that would show the page layouts of the front cover, content and double spread pages. This would help me create my own final design on Photoshop and be an opportunity to take down my previous experience and put it to action. To finally complete the stages, I would to do final evaluation to express and describe the overall presentation of my music magazine. 
As I am making my own music magazine, the music genre would be R& B, hip hop and the appropriate audience for this particular genre is 19 to 25 years old that is based on both gender. I would have to make sure that these key things would come across on my magazine and this is by choosing the right music artist to represent the main audience, using type of design feature to show the age group and include cover lines to be suitable for both genders. At this particular music genre that I have chosen, it is normally shown that an existing music artist should be featured or shown on a front cover of music magazine. But as I don’t have the requirement of having celebrity model, I may create my own existing signer or go to music events and takes several of photo images for my primary research......
 I wanted to aim my music magazine to young people because they are the generation of creating new music that is inspiring to the public eye. Example, ‘N-Burz’ is three young members that are aged between same as my target audience. They have created street rap music that involves R&B, Rock and other genre to be appeal to any age, nationality, ethics and gender. Also most music magazine is normally based for male adult as the uses of customs on female artist are attractive and kind of sex appealing to men. Example: Rolling stone feature Christian Angelina wore a sailor custom which gives a fantasy feeling on men minds.  
Hopefully, I would complete the development of creating my own magazine and learn and gain experiences that my help me on the next project at media studies. Also the final stage of finish the magazine project would help me see how certain features are appropriate for campaign of promotion and the key stages of production. 

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