Saturday 29 January 2011

music survey

51% of respondents who answered my questionnaire were male. However 44% of the audience  respond to my questionnaire were female. But in my previous project the percentage of both genders has changed. Both genders are not represented fairly as there are more male than females respondents. Also the result shows a bias veiw as it is not 100% reliable.

This result has shown me the main audience could  young adult  as 80% of the respondent were over 18.
 This question is useful because it would allow me to identify the type music  that are now commonly listened to by the young generation.  Also this would help me  find out the USP that would market my music magazine.  There is a even percentage of 34% each for R&B and Bashment music. Hip hop is second popular with 30% listern to it. Also only 2% of the respondent listen to country music. Overall the  rates shows the ethic of respondent. Example, Basement is known as fast Jamaican music  which normally to black people.
 However this judgement is not 100% reliable as it is doesn’t show...
I may not take this question as consideration because I want to create a music that has mixture of music genre .
 This is question is very important because it is the main purpose of my research to find out whether the general  public are interested about music. Although 93% of respondents read music magazines.
Hopefully the other questions will give me a clearer idea of more information as this question doesn't tell me how frequent people read a music magazine.  
 I selected three major music magazine  as they are a threat to my magazine.  The result showed that 40% of the respondents find  magazine brand unimportant. The majority of the respondents - 30% have an interest in Rolling Stone, Vibe was found to be least interesting. Looking at the result, I may use similiar features to the popular magazine, Rolling Stone.    

 Based on the result, I have consider gossip feaures such as embrassing images and secondary sources would accpectable for audience as it is the highest percentage of 33%. Runner up is to analyse music event in theme of interveiws with upcoming artist. Using this feature would introduce their career and also promote my magazine.

I found this question relative because  my pervious of experience  of development wasn’t successful as I had lack of  information and timing. The question shows that 41% of the respondents found that models are their main attraction. Also 39%  find the design layout very attractive to buy a magazine. This result would help spend more time on a feature that is persuasive and also it help me on the development planning . I will careful select the right model that represents my audience and their custume would have a diverse look to make my magazine appealing.  

This question would help me decide whether I want my magazine to target at a niche audience. It would also help me find about more of the respondents.  This shows  that 24% of the respondents are black-British in origin. Due black popluartion being the greatest pencentage of the question, I probaly target my magazine towards the black ethic group, however I will include ethic groug, such White British 22%.

The cost of product is very important because you need to know the audience wealth fare and also the prize can be competitive in-between other magazine, such as Vibe. So the question shows that 38% of respondents can buy a magazine in the minimum prize of £ 1.05 to £ 2. Although 33% can purchase a music magazine, less than 0 to £1.00. This shows that rescission has an affect on prizing as most magazine would have to the  price as way satiafcate the audience and that would make the company have no profit.  So I may decided.....

 The results releaves that 75% of respondents does not take notice while reading a magazine. Although 25% agreed to the question, it is an eye opener to me as the designer. I would make sure that that my content page contain features that  are creative and appealing to the main audience.

 Although I have made a decision on my target audience, I will asked particular question to find out their personal opinion on audience. The question shows that 32% of respondent  would  like the magazine to target young people. But 32% would prefer music magazine to main at adult.  Looking at the result, I have decided to aim my music magazine at the young audience.(17 to 24)
 This is an question which relate to the audience opinion on audience.
41% of the respondents wants the magazine to be target on both gender  as 59% disagree and wants the main attention to be in separate  gender (male and female). So I may decide to have both genders to be part of my target audience 

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