Wednesday 19 January 2011


I am A-level student which is currently studying Media Studies.  For my first project, I will design a College magazine and contents page. But first I will be analysing magazine adverts which will be chosen by my teacher. Through the advertisement, I will be looking at Mise en scene, image, anchorage and colours. This will help me found out the purpose of advert and different technique.  To further my secondary research, I will be looking at a college magazine which will have a link to my college magazine final design through giving me inspiration and ideas. Looking at other college magazines will also help me to understand how to structure and lay out my design, for example, how the main image relates to the main coverline and where the subtitles etc.
As I am creating a college magazine, I will need to do primary research to enable me to gather personal opinions from sixth form students about what they read and why. To do this, I will need to do a survey for which I will use a questionnaire; which will have a range of questions. This would help me find out ideas for my content page and front cover.  I will be distributing my questionnaire to sixth form students aged between 16 to 19 years old. I decided to aim my research at this particular age group because there are my magazine target audience. This age group would help find out key information which would easily help me layout the college magazine. After this I will use these answer and create a result which shows the percentage of each questions. This would clearly show me whether certain features would be appropriate for my target audience.
To my progress, I planned to work in a group and take several photographs for the front cover main image and I would sure that the photo will be single image of a medium close up. Also I will take other shots of the college; this would be used as a cover line. As I am creating a college magazine, I will make sure that I have different angles, settings, props to analyse the range of the photos.
To attract my main audience, I may include a discount voucher that would give money off my magazine and feature it on the content page. This would appeal to my main audience because it will financially benefit the student as they are not fully independent yet and also they would in be a better position to buy the product. Although, I would preferred feature high street voucher on my content page. To do the requirement, I have to seek allowance from the retail store but it would be like for them to reject the idea. Also this can be a good way for me to promote both of the retail business   and college magazine. However it would decrease the popularity and profit of magazines because I would have to higher the prize and I decided that the normal prize would £1.60.  The prize will be affordable of student as it will have discount voucher on the next issue of my magazine.

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