Wednesday 19 January 2011

Pie charts n evaluation

This question helps me to identify the respondents gender, without giving away an personal information. This question is useful because I’ll be able to base my college magazine towards a target audience.
Most respondents of my questionnaire were 17 years old, followed by 18 years old. This question was useful to help me to decide on a relevant topic for my college magazine depending  what age group finds interesting.

I have found out that 70% of the respondents read magazines . This question does not cover  the type of magazines. I found this particular question relevant  because it helps me find out whether producing a college magazine would be for my target audience (students).
An even amount of the respondents  would like to have fashion, sport and education  to be included in the magazines.
This question would help me to understand what  topics would be of  interest to a young audience.  Also 35% of the respondent  wants true stories  to be included in the college magazine. As they can relate it to their personal experience and also it can be inspirational.

Colour is  symbolic of the gender of  the target audience of magazines so it is really important as it defines the representation of the magazine. So  I asked the respondents to select the appropriate colour scheme, and 46% of the respondent would prefer others colours than the options I gave.

I have found out that 70% of students  would like a modern style for the front and contents page. This question is useful because I wanted to get the best format  so that the style will appeal to the target audience.  Only 30% of respondents  wanted a magazine that was colourful and simple.
80% of respondents would like a celebrity to be feature on the front cover . This question is very useful because it helps me see that students are mainly influenced by celebrities and they  would most likely to read the magazine.
However, it would be difficult for me as the editor because I wouldn’t be able to get a celebrity to represent my college magazine. Also I believe a celebrity would not represent the goals and lifestyle of student at CTK.

65% of respondents read  gossip, this is very predictable because  most popular press uses this technique to attract younger audience.
So, I may add gossip to my cover line to give it a twist and create excitement about educational social life.

43% of respondent  spend £ 1.90 on magazine. I wanted to find out whether the cost of magazines can create an impact on their popularity and looking at the percentages , it shown the  target audience minimum amount of  money .

55% of  respondents would prefer words on the content page so I want to make sure that I balance  pictures and information.  I wanted to asked this question because most of the young audience usually skip the content page and read the current new stories. 

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